I Love You More than Pierogi

The way to a man’s heart is through pierogi.

Adrian. Free spirit. Chef. Out.

Marek. Repressed. Corporate rat. In the closet.

Marek and Adrian used to date in high school, but a bitter breakup led them down different paths. Adrian is out and proud while Marek remains in the closet. Adrian embraces his eccentricity while Marek clings to a socially-acceptable image. And while Marek worked hard to build a successful life and financial stability by climbing the corporate ladder, Adrian threw caution to the wind and spent the last five years backpacking across the world.

Now Adrian is back, but while Marek hopes for a hot hookup with his first love, Adrian is just looking for a place to crash and is long over him. Worse still, Adrian turns up at Marek’s advertising agency for help with his outrageous new business venture, and if Marek wants to get promoted, he might have to work with the guy who broke his heart.


Themes: second chances, friends to lovers, Poland, international, life choices, immigration, food, restaurant business, food truck, corporate culture, opposites attract

Genre: M/M contemporary romance

Length: novella (~35 000 words)